Information for Priests and Religious

Information for Priests

Participants in the Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend experience the wonderful blending of the two Sacraments; Matrimony and Holy Orders which continue to be a powerful force for the renewal of our Church. Worldwide Marriage Encounter teaches a technique of communication that helps each person to better relate to their spouse.

Marriage in today’s Modern World, is not an easy vocation. The pressures, the pace of life, the enticements are powerful and persistent. The Marriage Encounter Weekend offers couples a quiet oasis of quality time where they can rediscover how important it is to be able to communicate at a deeper more emotional level. They are offered techniques that will help them to be more open, more trusting, and stronger to face issues and difficulties together as a couple.

It is a wonderful opportunity for couples to take time out and enrich their relationship. Couples who experience the Weekend often have a conversion experience with regards the Church and the Sacrament of Holy Orders. There is an awakening to the meaning of their own Sacrament of Matrimony and its importance and significance to the Church and Parish Community. They also gain a deeper understanding of the vocation of Priesthood. On returning home after a Weekend, many couples begin to take a more active role in Parish life.

We would ask you to consider encouraging couples to explore the possibility of attending a Marriage Encounter Weekend
You may well wonder, OK, fine for married couples, but what has this Weekend to do with me as a priest?
Your commitment to serve your people is similar to the commitment of a husband and wife in marriage. Weekend tools can help you see your ministry in a whole new light and connect more meaningfully with those you serve. For you as a priest, your ‘spouse’ could be taken to mean everyone you have dedicated your life to, your Parish Community, your Community Confreres.

Would you like:

  • deeper joy and fulfilment?
  • to be closer to Christ and his people?
  • to learn with married couples how to witness to each other?
  • a weekend away with couples and with Christ?
  • a weekend away from the pressures of parish Administration?

Then a Marriage Encounter Weekend could be just the things for you.

Link to Leaflet for Priests ->